Actual state of pdp8/m serial number 0400322 as of 2004/14/05

Owner: Gerold Pauler
State: testing

Control Panel: OK

Clock Generator M8330 OK
Register Control M8310 OK
Register M8300 OK
Bus Termination M8320 OK
Extended Memory M837 OK

Memory: 24K words OK
DEC 8K words G111 OK
DEC 8K words G111 OK
Plessey 8K words OK

Serial Interface M8650 OK
Serial Interface M8650YA OK (2004/04/14)
Tape Interface M868 OK
Real Time Clock M8830 not tested
Plotter Interface M842 OK (2004/04/14)
Printer Interface unknown not tested
Printer Interface M841 not tested
Printer Interface M8365 not tested
Disk Drive Interface Plessey OK (2004/05/14)